The Selectboard is at the center of town government in Barnard, and throughout Vermont. Barnard’s three-member Selectboard is elected by the voters at Town Meeting for staggered terms of three years. The Selectboard is responsible for the general supervision of town affairs and has a number of functions including legislative (enacts local ordinances, regulations and policies) and administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial. For example, it determines private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways.
The Selectboard take an oath to serve the residents of Barnard. If you have a problem in town, they are the elected officials that you can call upon. The most efficient way to have your concerns heard is to attend a Selectboard meeting which is open to the public, and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Board meetings are semi-monthly, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7pm at the town offices, in the basement of Town Hall.
Current Selectboard members, listed with the year their term expires:
- Rock Webster, Chair (2026) ph: 802-747-8224
- Richard Lancaster, Vice Chair (2025) ph: 802-457-1792
- Bob Edmunds (2027) ph: 802-353-6230
Selectboard meeting agendas are posted on the outside bulletin board on the back side of town hall, on the outside bulletin board at the Barnard General Store and on the Barnard listserv. Meeting minutes are posted after the meeting inside the town offices and on the Barnard listserv.